This is a 1/2 day course for those with analogue tachograph instruments in their fleet. Designed for both goods and passenger transport managers, other non-transport managers, the Traffic Office team etc, the course gives a general overview of analogue tachographs and charts.
Tachographs And Tachograph Charts
- different types of tachograph instrument (Siemens/VDO; Stoneridge etc);
- traces on a tachograph chart;
- how to fill in the centre field of a chart (at and away from the vehicle, following breakdown etc);
- charts that are possibly 12 hours out;
- calibration and periodic inspection;
- what to do if stopped by an Enforcement Officer;
- recording of all activities (Drivers' Hours and Working Time);
- emergencies;
- daily defect reports (DDR);
- storing tachograph charts;
- malfunctions and malpractice.
Detailed Tachograph Analysis
- detailed analysis of a tachograph chart following an incident.